W*** L**'s avatar'
W*** L**8 months agoTermination Rules

我還是試用期, 但由於公司資金周轉不靈, 所以公司給我兩個選擇: 1) 我簽那份辭職信然後就可以直接走人, 而公司也給我一個月的賠償金 2) 公司出那份termination letter, 然後我必須做滿一個月才能離職. 所以我的問題: 1) 為何要我提交辭職信才能直接離開公司? 難道不能給我termination letter然後直接叫我走人? 有什麼貓膩嗎?

只是不明白, 反正你都可以叫我直接走人, 為何要留我多一個月? 難道留我多一個月我可以幫你什麼工作嗎? 然後你給我termination letter是你辭退, 如果我叫辭職信就是我自願辭職, 難道收到termination letter會有損我的記錄嗎?
Daphne Wong's avatar'
Daphne Wong8 months ago
In the situation you described, it seems that the company is facing financial difficulties and is providing you with two options for your departure. The reason they may prefer you to submit a resignation letter instead of issuing a termination letter could be due to legal or administrative reasons. When you resign, it is seen as a voluntary decision on your part, which may have different implications compared to being terminated by the company. Additionally, by resigning, you may be eligible for certain benefits or compensation that may not be provided if you are terminated. It is important to carefully consider your decision and understand the potential consequences of each option before making a choice.