工作 有面子 有西装穿 有豪车架 才是好工作吗?
找工时 cover letter 重要吗?
找工时只有 resume 足够吗?很多人建议我附上 cover letter,可是那不是和 resume 重复的资讯吗?有谁能解答?@@
最近有想要转行的意思,自己只读到diploma in accounting,然后现在是个logistics公司的customer service,最近因为公司发生很多事情想要换工作,刚好身边有朋友介绍了一份关于material planner的工作,所以想要写求职信去问问。
参考了很多example,几乎都很少有关于转行的cover le... Read more
想问大家申请了一间很喜欢的零售公司 可是因不想被调到其他地方上班 所以不符合这个公司的条件被拒了 怎么礼貌回复啊 还有机会吗

Macam mana nk apply starbucks eh? Asyik tkleh upload je gambarnya invalid size lah apa lah
I have been working as both Commis and Service staff for a few years at various locations but I still don't know what I want to pursue
can I resign to another company/position while still being under probation
I do not know my own transport and the closest public transport is 10 min walk to a bus stop or 20 min walk to a LRT station
"look forward to hearing from you!" or "looking forward to hear from you!" ?
Is "Sincerely" a good word to use in the cover letter?
How to write an impressive cover letter?
What should be the main content of my cover letter?
Ada kerja di Miri, Sarawak?
Kenpa semua krja di miri x ada? Apakah kerja di sarawak tidak ada lagi? Please buat lah peluang kerja untuk orang sarawak bekerja and kepada org di sarawak please ambil o... Read more