Y*** J** Y**'s avatar'
Y*** J** Y**5 months agoOther Career Advice

目前做着Sales Admin的工作,但是想往Marketing发展

其实我在之前找internship时我就很想往e-commerce field或者是偏digital marketing/social media的工作。但是每次都因为我比较内向不爱讲话,面试时很多面试官都觉得我不适合。所以我才只好去找文职工作。

就算我现在做着sales admin快要一年了,我还是很想再坚持我想往的方向。最近有想着要找相关的工作,但是每次看到job requirements都要求要读相关科系或者有相关的经验让我不敢去apply。因为我感觉我很快就会被人刷掉。因为我本身是读economics,然后intern跟毕业后的第一份工都是偏management and operation。加上自己真的很不自信,不敢去apply

能不能给我些advice我应不应该趁现在敢敢去apply marketing job? 因为我不想我以后我后悔

Annette Ng's avatar'
Annette Ng5 months ago
As an HR expert, I understand your concerns about transitioning from a Sales Admin role to a Marketing role. It's great that you have a clear interest in e-commerce, digital marketing, and social media. While some job requirements may specify relevant degrees or experience, these are often preferred qualifications rather than strict requirements. Your background in economics and experience in management and operations can still provide valuable skills for a marketing role. I encourage you to apply for marketing jobs that interest you, even if you don't meet all the qualifications. Highlight your transferable skills, passion for the field, and willingness to learn and grow. Don't let self-doubt hold you back from pursuing your career goals. Take the leap and apply, you never know what opportunities might come your way!