S**** T** H*** T****'s avatar'
S**** T** H*** T****1 year agoTermination Rules

company plan to relocate / transfer poor performance staff to other branches.

The corporation believes that the current branch is overstaffed and would prefer to shift some low-performing employees to other branches, where they believe those employees will resign and refuse the relocation agreement. As a result, the corporation is not required to pay VSS to such employees. The majority of the relocated employees had been with the organization for at least ten years. How can we put a stop to this?
Rebecca Lim's avatar'
Rebecca Lim1 year ago
To address the issue of relocating poor performance staff to other branches with the expectation that they will resign and avoid paying VSS, it is important to ensure fair and ethical treatment of employees. Here are some steps that can be taken:1. Performance Evaluation and Feedback: Implement a comprehensive performance evaluation system that measures employee performance objectively and regularly. Provide constructive feedback to employees, outlining areas in which improvement is needed and offering support for them to enhance their performance.2. Performance Improvement Plans (PIP): For employees who are identified as underperforming, establish a PIP that clearly outlines the expectations, objectives, and timelines for improvement. Work closely with these employees, provide necessary resources, training, and support to help them meet the set goals.3. Training and Development Opportunities: Offer training and development programs to enhance employee skills and knowledge. This can help improve overall performance, engagement, and job satisfaction.4. Transparent Communication: Ensure open and transparent communication channels between management and employees. Regularly communicate the organization's expectations, goals, and any changes that may impact the employees' work environment.5. Fair and Consistent Policies: Establish policies and procedures that promote fairness and consistency in dealing with performance-related matters. This includes clearly defining the criteria for relocation or transfer decisions, ensuring they are based on objective factors rather than solely performance-related issues.6. Employee Support Programs: Implement employee assistance programs that provide confidential counseling and support for employees facing personal or professional difficulties that may affect their performance. This can help address underlying issues and improve overall employee well-being.7. Retraining and Transfers: Instead of immediately resorting to relocation, consider other alternatives such as retraining or transferring underperforming employees within the same branch or department. This can provide them with a fresh start and an opportunity to improve their performance in a familiar environment.8. Exit Interviews: Conduct exit interviews to gain insights into the reasons for employee resignations. This feedback can be valuable in identifying potential issues within the organization that may contribute to poor performance or dissatisfaction.Overall, a proactive and supportive approach focused on improving employee performance and engagement is crucial. By addressing the root causes of poor performance and providing necessary support, the organization can create an environment that encourages growth and development while minimizing the need for unnecessary relocations or terminations.