***** ******'s avatar'
***** ******2 months agoOther Workplace Issue

How to respond to a show cause letter?

I'm in a bit of a panic and could really use some advice. I just received a show cause letter from my employer, and I'm not sure how to handle this situation.

For context, I work in a mid-sized company in Kuala Lumpur, and the letter cites some issues with my recent performance and attendance. I admit I've been struggling lately due to some personal issues, but I didn't realize it had escalated to this point.

Has anyone successfully turned around a situation after receiving a show cause letter? If so, how did you do it?

Ethan Chan's avatar'
Ethan Chan2 months ago
When responding to a show cause letter from your employer, it is important to first acknowledge the issues raised and take responsibility for any shortcomings in your performance or attendance. Explain the reasons behind your recent struggles, such as personal issues, and outline steps you are taking to address them. Provide evidence of any improvements or positive changes you have made since receiving the letter. It is also helpful to express your willingness to work with your employer to resolve any issues and prevent similar situations from occurring in the future. By demonstrating a proactive and cooperative attitude, you may be able to turn around the situation and improve your standing with your employer.