***** ******'s avatar'
***** ******2 months agoAbout Salary & Benefits


我有Diploma文凭,在一间小公司做admin工作,月薪1.8看,一个人的工作量好像三人份那样,每次有什么东西没人肯做都是丢给我做,有时拜六礼拜也会突然找我处理工作,或者叫我去back up别的team的人,我都没有拒绝去做罢了,我知道自己学历不够,经验没有,愿意吃苦从低做起。但是我没有想到,做了一年后找上司提加薪的时候,他竟然拒绝我,理由是我虽然做得多,但是我做的东西是简单的,别人也可以做的,谁都可以代替我,so不能给我太高薪水,要加薪的话要再等等。你们觉得这个理由能接受吗?

Lucy Lee's avatar'
Lucy Lee2 months ago
As an HR expert, I understand your frustration with the reason given for denying your request for a salary increase. While it is true that the tasks you are currently handling may be perceived as simple and easily replaceable, it is also important to consider the value you bring to the company. Your willingness to take on additional responsibilities, work diligently, and adapt to various tasks should be recognized and rewarded. It may be helpful to have a discussion with your supervisor to further explain the impact of your work and discuss potential avenues for career growth and development within the company. Remember to also highlight any achievements or improvements you have made during your time with the company to demonstrate your commitment and value as an employee.