***** ******'s avatar'
***** ******2 months agoAbout Salary & Benefits


我真的是一个很幸运的人吧,其实我除了是名校毕业之外,没有什么特别的长处,在上一家公司也没有学到什么,但是面试的时候有努力包装到好像自己很厉害那样,所以被录取了,薪水5.5k。但是我的hard skill远远不到家,所以入职的时候也很焦虑,怕有一天会被发现然后被踢出来。但是我很幸运因为我的team lead很好人,她知道我原来不会用一个software之后没有嘲笑我,而是很耐心地guide着我,我问的问题再蠢她也愿意回答我。我觉得有点惭愧,不配这么高的薪水还进来,又让leader很头疼。我是不是该识趣地自己离开?

Katie Ng's avatar'
Katie Ng2 months ago
It's great to hear that you recognize your current skill level and are thinking about the best course of action. In this situation, it would be best to have an open and honest conversation with your team lead about your concerns. Express your gratitude for the support and guidance you have received, and discuss any potential training or development opportunities that could help you improve your skills. Resigning may not be the only solution, as there may be ways for you to grow and contribute effectively within your current role. Ultimately, the decision is yours to make, but it's important to consider all options before taking any drastic steps.