W*** E** G**** C**'s avatar'
W*** E** G**** C**1 year agoAbout Offer Letter


最近收到了兩家公司的offer,一個是不在興趣內的title,但是薪水較高而且老闆也很好人 另一個就是自己感興趣的領域,薪水較低,未來薪水也不知道會升到哪裡。 請問你們會怎麼選擇
Charles Lee's avatar'
Charles Lee1 year ago
As an HR expert, I would suggest considering several factors before making a decision. While both salary and personal interest are important, it's crucial to strike a balance that aligns with your long-term career goals and overall job satisfaction.Firstly, assess the significance of the salary difference. Consider whether the higher salary would significantly improve your financial situation and if it compensates for potential dissatisfaction in the role. If the difference is substantial and could positively impact your life, it might be worth considering.Secondly, evaluate the long-term prospects of each position. Research the industry trends and growth potential of the field you are interested in. It's important to know if there are opportunities for career advancement and if the lower initial salary in this field can increase over time.Furthermore, consider the potential for personal growth and professional development in both roles. A supportive boss who believes in your potential can play a crucial role in your career advancement. If you feel that the boss in the company with the higher salary can provide mentorship and opportunities for career growth, that might be a factor worth considering.Lastly, consider the impact on your overall well-being and job satisfaction. Working in a field of interest can bring greater joy and fulfillment, leading to higher levels of productivity and job satisfaction. However, if the salary gap is significant, it might be worth considering how this could affect your motivation and overall happiness in the long run.Ultimately, the decision should be based on a carefully balanced evaluation of financial considerations, long-term prospects, personal growth opportunities, and overall job satisfaction. There is no one-size-fits-all answer, as each individual's priorities and circumstances differ. It's essential to make a choice that aligns with your values and goals while considering the potential trade-offs each option presents.