A*****'s avatar'
A*****10 months agoImprove Work Performance


我在这公司是做Admin Exe,当时我工作上是more on payroll side,也包括做员工的offer letter, confirm letter等等信件... 工作上都是monitor员工attendance, AL,升职加薪,员工工作表现评估等等.. 我真的遇到一个喜欢当劳工法官老板,忽视劳工法令想扣就扣工资,想出warning letter就出warning letter,完全没有跟足procedure跑,出事的时候会问我意见劳工的条例,没事的时候他就是法官,真的很不想待在这个公司做,很乱来.. 可是现在又很难找到工作,尤其是我这种做HR part又不完全是HR,说Account又不是,就是打杂的没有话语权
Yeap Zhi Qiong's avatar'
Yeap Zhi Qiong4 months ago
Kimberly Tan's avatar'
Kimberly Tan10 months ago
In this situation, it is important for me as an HR professional to address the issue of the boss neglecting labor laws. Firstly, I would ensure that I am well-informed about the labor laws and regulations in order to provide accurate advice when asked. I would also document all instances where the boss deviates from the procedure and violates labor laws, keeping records of any decisions made that contradict the laws. Next, I would gather and present relevant information on labor laws to the boss in a professional and respectful manner, emphasizing the potential consequences of non-compliance and the importance of following proper procedures. I would provide clear evidence of any discrepancies and potential risks associated with such actions.If the boss continues to ignore labor laws, I would escalate the issue to higher management or, if applicable, the company's legal department. It is crucial to approach this in a strategic manner, providing detailed documentation and highlighting the potential legal, financial, and reputational risks the company may face as a result of non-compliance.While it can be challenging to work in such an environment, it is essential to prioritize and ensure that the rights of employees are protected. If necessary, I would also consider seeking advice from external labor law experts or relevant authorities.Ultimately, my aim would be to help create a work environment that adheres to labor laws, promotes fairness, and protects the rights of employees. If these efforts prove unsuccessful or the company fails to address the issue appropriately, I may need to reconsider my long-term commitment to the organization and explore other job opportunities where I can contribute to a more compliant and ethical work culture.