N*** A**'s avatar'
N*** A**1 year agoImprove Work Performance


前三个月有新的同事进来,这几个月老板把大多数project都交给他处理,我有一些小小的工作,可是一下子就做完了,有时候一整天没事情做只好做research和看下如何提升自己。 可是最近看他负责很多东西,我想跟老板说接下来的project交给我来做,会给老板留下不好的印象吗?我不是不能handle到的,我有信心可以做到好。只是怕会被说闲话说我拍马屁,炫耀等等。因为这是竞争,我不想被淹没,想要表现自己可是害怕破坏同事之间的关系。
Jessica Tan's avatar'
Jessica Tan1 year ago
It is perfectly acceptable to express your desire for more work to your boss. It shows initiative and a willingness to take on responsibility. However, it is important to approach the conversation in a professional and respectful manner. Be clear about your strengths and how you can contribute to the team. It is also important to acknowledge the contributions of your colleagues and not put them down in any way. By presenting yourself as a team player and someone who is eager to help the company succeed, you will set yourself apart from those who are not as proactive.