T** L*** R*****'s avatar'
T** L*** R*****11 months agoConflict with Boss


五年IT职场生态中,论资排辈我可是就职超过1年的老员工。看见每个员工进出公司(turn over rate super high), 快的2个星期,长久的一两年就辞退了。不然就是请一堆实习生用最廉价的薪水做最高效率的工作。就算不是IT关联的实习生也聘请了。这种情况身为老员工的我看习惯了。只因老板要最低成本得到更大的收益。所以每次有人辞退老板就会甩锅让我包办他们的“手尾”,导致我手头上的工作越来越多。 平时什么都要赶就算了,老板还时常在晚上信息我关于工作的事情,更过分的是在我请假或者是假日的时候还需要我处理工作的事情,就连他自己的大学研究功课都需要我免费帮忙。如果薪水和待遇不错还可以接受,但是除了付我薪水,什么待遇都没有,就连最基本的OT都没有,还时常告诉我虽然外面的薪水比较高,但是公司的待遇比外面好,所以可以算是扯平,然而为了找两餐的我选择了默默忍受这一切,这也照成了我患上焦虑症。可能是公司”待遇“好,老板因我请了几天病假而觉得我不能继续工作,他帮我准备了辞退信并让我在多重的压力下签下24小时辞退信并无notice period,无非就是想要辞退我并不想付我薪水。 我应该如何调整心态,好好地与他们相处还是应该怎么做呢?
Michelle Tan's avatar'
Michelle Tan11 months ago
I'm sorry to hear about your experience with your unscrupulous boss and the stress it has caused you. It is not uncommon for some employers to prioritize cost-cutting measures and overlook the well-being of their employees. However, it is important to remember that not all companies operate in this way. It may be beneficial for you to consider seeking employment elsewhere, where your skills and dedication will be valued and rewarded appropriately. In terms of adjusting your mindset and dealing with your current situation, here are a few suggestions: 1. Self-care: Focus on taking care of your physical and mental well-being. This could include practicing relaxation techniques, engaging in hobbies and activities that bring you joy, and seeking support from friends or professional counselors. 2. Open communication: Initiate a conversation with your boss to discuss your concerns and the impact the workload and lack of benefits are having on your performance and well-being. Be calm, assertive, and provide specific examples. It is possible that your boss may not fully realize the impact of their actions on you. 3. Set boundaries: Clearly communicate your working hours and ensure that you are not constantly available for work-related matters outside of those hours. It is important to have a work-life balance to maintain your overall well-being. 4. Seek support: Reach out to colleagues, friends, or professional networks for advice, guidance, or potential job opportunities. Networking can be a great way to explore different options and connect with employers who prioritize employee well-being. Remember, your well-being and job satisfaction are important, and you deserve to work in an environment where you are treated fairly and with respect. It may take time, but staying proactive and seeking opportunities that align with your values and goals will ultimately lead to a better work experience.