NG KOK YAP's avatar'
NG KOK YAP11 months agoAbout Job Interview

是HR的问题还是Hiring manager的问题?

本人做了4年多Account / Billing 部门 T1 的help desk 。虽然自己Account 的经验不多但是最起码都有基础的知识。去投了一个Invoice to cash analyst 的 vaccany 。 第二天就收到那家公司打来的电话叫我后天去面试。我就以为他们接受我的背景让我去尝试。结果到了面试的那一天就直接被Hiring manager 当场轰炸。 首先Invite calendar 是说好了面试时间一个小时的结果她就直接缩短去了半个小时。Self Introduction 到一半还突然中断我叫我描述我的account 经验。我说之前account 经验不是很多就开始嘲讽我“你出来找工作多久了?” “你有去应聘其他公司岗位的工作吗?”“为什么你不去做回你的Helpdesk?”“其他公司有给你offer吗?”和一大推我听了我很不舒服的问题。 最恐怖的还在后头。她过后还问我“你说你以前是account T1 的 Helpdesk ,那么你还记得SAP里用过的code 吗?你举几个例子出来”我说我离开Account T1已经两年多了,前一份工作采购员的工作虽然也是有用SAP,code很多都不记得了。过后她就一副非常看不起人的语气说“你还好意思说你有account 经验 !?如果下次其他公司肯愿意面试你的话你最好把全部之前用过的SAP code 背起来!” 面试完毕后本来还有一个assessment的她也不让我做,说要还要考虑一下要不要让我做。End call 之前我也非常坦白跟她说“我知道我的account经验不是你所期待的那么丰富但是我学东西很快的。我之前也是没有采购员的经验但是我进去也是学的很快。进去两个月后就go live 了 。希望你能给我一个机会。然后那个XX 就只是哦的一声end 掉我的call 。 我知道自己account 的经验不多自己也是有去面试其他公司account 部门的工作但是其他公司的hiring manager 也没有这样对我的 !我也不明白这家公司的HR是不是有问题?如果觉得我的background 不是很理想为什么还要我进去面试被骂?
Leanne Ng's avatar'
Leanne Ng11 months ago
Based on the given information, it seems that both the HR and Hiring manager may have played a role in the negative interview experience. The HR department should have properly assessed and matched the candidate's background and qualifications to the job requirements before inviting them for an interview. If the candidate's account experience was significantly lacking for the Invoice to cash analyst role, HR should have considered this before proceeding with the interview. On the other hand, the Hiring manager's behavior during the interview was unprofessional and disrespectful. Interrupting the candidate's self-introduction, asking taunting questions, and belittling their experience are all unacceptable conduct in an interview. The Hiring manager should have focused on assessing the candidate's skills, abilities, and potential for growth, rather than criticizing and demeaning them.Therefore, it seems that both the HR and Hiring manager have contributed to the problematic interview experience. The HR department should have screened the candidate more effectively, and the Hiring manager should have conducted a more respectful and professional interview. It is important for companies to ensure that their HR and Hiring managers are properly trained to conduct fair and unbiased interviews, treating all candidates with respect and professionalism.