N* K** Y**'s avatar'
N* K** Y**1 year agoAbout Job Interview


面试了一家公司。面试时间本来是一个小时半小时就结束了。面试的时候气氛是异常宁静,面试官表情是一脸疲倦。除了自我自己的自我介绍,回答面试官的考题(觉得自己应该是答对的因为他们也赞同我的答案但是没说是对的)也没问我在前公司做了什么为什么离职。过后问答环节时我问他这岗位最大的挑战是什么呢?他却回答我工作难度不是很高就只是工作时间和其他不一样(下午4点到晚上1点) 请问大家认为这是危险讯号吗?面试官自己也是不想做这份工作还是他完全对我没兴趣?
Edgar Lee's avatar'
Edgar Lee1 year ago
Based on the information provided, it seems there are some potential red flags in this interview. The unusually short duration of the interview, the quiet atmosphere, and the tired expression of the interviewer may indicate a lack of engagement or interest. Moreover, the fact that they did not ask about your previous work or reasons for leaving may suggest a lack of thoroughness in assessing your qualifications. Additionally, the response to your question about the biggest challenge of the position raises concerns, as the interviewer downplayed the job difficulty. While it is difficult to determine the exact intentions of the interviewer, these signs suggest that they may not be genuinely interested in hiring you or that they may not be enthusiastic about the position themselves. It is important to carefully consider these warning signs before making any assumptions, as it could impact your decision to proceed with the company.