***** ******'s avatar'
***** ******3 months agoOther Job Search Problems

Fresh graduate 真的没人要请吗?



T** T**** T**'s avatar'
T** T**** T**3 months ago
L**'s avatar'
L**3 months ago
毕业后第一份工是真的蛮难找的,所以我很感恩给我机会的公司 我本身Interview 应该有20份A position,最后 有间MNC公司HR 问要不要试试B position,我也抱着试试的心态,反正也有涉及一小部分A position 的skills,最后也 录取了,不同领域,跟我大学读的不同 慢慢累积经验,之后你就发现会有很多recruitment agency 或者company HR 会找你offer job opportunity, 到时是工作找你,不是你找工作 不妨试试不同领域的工作,不用执着单一职位
Jason Tan's avatar'
Jason Tan3 months ago
Fresh graduates often face challenges in landing their first job, especially in today's competitive job market. It's not uncommon to receive rejections or have difficulty finding the right fit. Despite the setbacks, it's important to stay positive and keep applying to different opportunities. Make sure to tailor your resume and cover letter to each position you apply for, and consider networking and reaching out to connections for potential referrals or advice. Persistence and a positive attitude will eventually lead to success in finding the right job for you.