XMM's avatar'
XMM9 months agoConflict with Boss


我是B员工马六甲人,身带着女性疾病,因为不想每个月要复诊从KL-马六甲这样跑,拿假老板也不爽(知道什么原因的情况下),所以最后选择辞职回马六甲生活.. 我在辞职的当时已经有说明原因,可是老板却觉得我骗他只是不想做而已!他就和A同事说不要做就说,为什么要诅咒自己有病讲骗话(虽然我不明白A同事为什么要和我讲,平时关系就点头之交..),可是老板在我面前又要求我帮他做到五月完,让我迟点去复诊也不怎样,我应该怎么做?是不是特别过分了这个顶级老板! C同事也辞职了,他既然在A同事和我面前数落他,看衰C同事出去找的工和工钱福利方面很惨败((狗眼看人低?? **以上句句属实,若有欺骗,我的病得不到好转!!!**
Allyson Lee's avatar'
Allyson Lee9 months ago
As an HR expert, it is important to address the situation professionally and ethically. It is concerning that the boss and some colleagues are making negative comments about the employee's health condition and reasons for resigning. This kind of behavior is not only unprofessional but also discriminatory. It is crucial to create a respectful and supportive work environment for all employees. In this case, it would be appropriate to remind the boss and colleagues about the importance of respecting privacy and confidentiality when it comes to personal health issues. The employee should not be pressured into working beyond their resignation date, especially if it affects their health. It is recommended to document any inappropriate behavior or comments made by the boss or colleagues and address them through proper HR channels to ensure a fair and respectful workplace for everyone. It is also important to provide support to the resigning employees and ensure they have a smooth transition out of the company.