N* K** Y**'s avatar'
N* K** Y**1 year agoAbout Job Interview


是一家印度国际IT公司。网络评价上不是很好但是离我家通勤方便而且工作岗位内容是我喜欢的。投了快要一个月上周猎头agent告诉我被选中去面试而且slot还是当天告诉我同一天的下午5点和明天的5点。由于真的是太突然我就选明天5点。面试时间会安排到5点那么迟我明白可能是跟他们印度总行公司时间吧。好了,到了明天一早agent就突然跟我说面试被取消了于是又安排了下周5点。但是都等到周六周日了我都还没收到任何从公司发来的updated email 。 第二个问题其实被选中通知面试的同一天又有另外一家公司的agents推了我同一家公司同一个的岗位给我。说minimum薪水最低是XK,比我的expert salary 还多2k出来。过后我问了我原本的agent关于这问题还screenshoot给他,他就不断跟我强调根本没这回事,另外一家那个agent看错了。 我真的开始担心要不要withdraw毕竟发生了这些问题出来而且网上评价也写的很糟糕。现在我手上还有另外一个application,面试已经结束了在等消息。网上评价不错,薪水方面也OK但是另外一家公司通勤却有点问题。从我家出发通勤单程都要两个小时而且工作岗位我不是很喜欢的。 所以大家建议我应该把希望放在这个评价不好的公司还是选那家通勤两个小时的公司呢?
Edmund Lim's avatar'
Edmund Lim1 year ago
As an HR expert, I would suggest considering a few factors before making a decision. Firstly, evaluate the importance of the company's reputation and online reviews. While a company may have negative reviews, it doesn't necessarily mean it's a bad fit for everyone. Reviews can vary based on individual experiences. It might be helpful to understand the specific concerns raised in those reviews and see if they align with your own priorities and values.Secondly, think about the convenience of commuting. If the company with negative reviews is closer to your home and offers a convenient commute, it can save you time and stress in the long run. On the other hand, if the other company requires a two-hour commute and the work itself doesn't align with your interests, it may impact your overall job satisfaction.Additionally, consider the job content itself. You mentioned that the position in the company with negative reviews aligns with your preferences, which is an important factor to consider. Job satisfaction plays a significant role in your overall happiness and productivity at work.Regarding the conflicting information from the two agents, it might be helpful to clarify details with both parties. Misunderstandings can happen, and it's important to have accurate and updated information before making a decision. Communicate your concerns and request any necessary clarification.Ultimately, the decision depends on your priorities and what you value most in a job. Evaluate the pros and cons of each opportunity, consider the long-term impact, and decide which option aligns best with your career goals and personal preferences.